Cleantech.com has an interview with Range Fuels' Mitch Mandrich about the first commercial scale cellulosic ethanol plant going forward. The planned plant being backed by Kholsa Ventures and billed at 100 million gallons a year at completion with a initial volume of 20 million gallons.
Its always fun to read first hand accounts and opinions from those pushing the initial biofuels business model boulder up that steep hill of cutting edge business attempts. I especially love reading the thoughts of those I.T. and Dot.Com refugees who are making a go in biofuels.
The interview is worth the read. Several mentions of note from the interview:
Range Fuels technology is modular (hence the initial 20 million gallon number with a permitted target of 100 million gallons).
Ultimate goal for Range Fuels would be "a billion gallons really as fast as [they] can."
They want to deploy their modular technology throughout the world (hence its a fairly large scale distributive technology).
Range Fuels technology is multi-feedstock and Mandrich makes mention of it's potential for municipal solid waste.
Range Fuels' funding situation is "fine" according to Mandrich. I guess $50 million in seed funding from the US DOE goes along way.
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