Sunday, May 31, 2009

EV Car Event in Portland

If you are a friend or customer let me know if you want to attend. I've bought a table for this event.


Please mark your calendar. 
The Future is Electric
The Electric Vehicles Revolution. 
The Potential and Possibility of the Emerging Electric Vehicle Technology.
YPOP Breakfast of Champions
7:30 AM
June 16th, 2009
University of Oregon in Portland
70 NW Couch Portland, OR 97209
Look at your cell phone.  If we could scale the amount of power and efficiency possessed by your phone’s battery into a Prius it would triple the fuel economy of this existing car technology immediately.  That is the potential of Electric Vehicles and why they are the talk of policy wonks and politicians everywhere.

Profound moves and big personalities are at work to establish Oregon as an international leader in the emerging industry of Electric Vehicles.  Though Oregon has been hit hard by the recession, it is still an exciting time to do business in Oregon and this industry is one of the brighter spots in the economic outlook.  Find out why.

This event will showcase the potential and possibility Electric Vehicles hold in the near future.  From new technology companies emerging in Oregon, to those innovators who plan to manufacture the parts and pieces the industry will need, and of course Oregon State’s effort to build a network of rapid vehicle charging stations throughout our state in the next two years.   

Our speaker Chris Bakken is a leader in the field of electric vehicle recharging stations and battery technology development.  As the President and Chief Strategy Officer for SynkroMotive he will share with us the profound potential of electric vehicle technologies from his perspective within the industry.

Space is limited so please RSVP through YPOP.  If you want to guarantee a seat, table sponsorships are available for $100 and come with seven reservations at your table.  A continental breakfast will be provided thanks to our generous sponsors.

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